Friday, August 27, 2010

Greetings Loved Ones... Let's Take a Journey...

Welcome, everyone!! My name is Sarah, and I'm the creator of this blog. As you may have noticed, the title of my blog was influenced by Katy Perry's "California Girls", with a Chemistry twist--element 98 is Californium (Cf). ;D

I love lots of things. I am especially enamored with bacon and cupcakes. I love being creative and artsy in sewing, knitting, t-shirt de/reconstruction, drawing, writing, making polymer clay food jewelry, and more. I also enjoy reading, especially stories aboutsuperpowers. I adore 80's fashion (colorful, fun, self-expressive), music (Foreigner, Journey, Bangles, B-52s, Devo etc.), and John Hughes movies (Pretty in Pink, Breakfast Club, etc). I also really love Hayao Miyazaki movies, namely Spirited Away and Howl's Moving Castle. I love Disney movies, Disneyland, and pretty much all things Disney. I also love being geeky (evidence in my title).

I dream to be a successful author, and to accomplish publishing at least 5 books and/0r sell at least a million copies. Or I'd like to get the #1 spot on the New York Times Bestseller list; that'd be pretty awesome. I hope to get awards for my books, and maybe illustrate a few. I might also want to be an editor. I would love to donate to charities as well, especially to cancer support/research (Californium is also used in cancer treatments).

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